Travelling alone is easy. You follow your own nose, changing directions on a whim, adding new adventures as they appear. If you choose to, you can find an isolated perch and contemplate a vista for as long as you want, plunge into a milonga to try a few tango steps, or strike up a conversation with the elegant woman sipping a gin and tonic
* under a Baobab tree.

But beauty and adventure can be amplified when shared. I was thrilled when Francisco and Mom and Dad appeared through the sliding doors at the airport to join me on my last two weeks in Argentina.

By the time they arrived, I had a full agenda set up – a whirlwind tour of Buenos Aires, a flying visit to Iguazu Falls on the Brazilian border, a summersault over to Mendoza for some wine tasting and a trek into the heart of the Andes, and a boat trip across the Rio de la Plata to lovely little Colonia del Sacremento in Uruguay.
I did have one important question for them: the beard… does it stay or does it go?
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* One of the happiest path-crossings of my travels!.