Saturday, November 27, 2010

Photos from Ibo Island

Here are a few selected photos that show the ghostly beauty of Ibo Island, Mozambique.

The dhow trip to the sand bar, with Anna and Paulina.

(Apologies to the bird ringers if I make a mistake, but) Emerald Cukoo and Blue Waxbill. The ringers at work under the Flamboyant Tree in the bush veld.

Spectacled Weaver, Gorgeous Bush-Shrike, Scarlet Chested Sunbird (same niche as a hummingbird).

The Bird Ringers - Manobra, Phil, Bruno, Malcom and Pieter - having set the nets on the tidal flats, are waiting for the tide to go out and the sun to set. Not a bad way to spend the evening.